Building the Dam Story

At the end, if there is success, one wonders how. Through this wonder one discovers the story. This blog is dedicated to that discovery.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Crying for fair

Fair. Equivalent. Equal. Only in mathematics can we celebrate such an expression when it means what one gets the other gets as well. Mothers and teachers make such distinctions quite often because children come to expect this, are told being fair is the best way to be.

And yet there is war.

Thus on this side of the equation someone wants something for which the one on the other cannot or will not give. Mutually both sides cry for fair. They fight for it. Are diligent until the end for it. And so a warrior that has learned what fair is by way of upbringing or education must then learn how to fight for what they believe fairness is.

In the 1930's as the Hoover Dam was just starting to be built, if a man got a job working on this project he probably didn't cry for fair when he was told he'd only make four dollars a day and be expected to work eight hours straight. In fact, most workers accepted this wage with great satisfaction, just to have a job at all, even though many had earned twice the amount and more before the depression.

Thus maybe being "fair" is really just ideology, unless of course it's mathematics.
However, for those who have fought a war on behalf of fairness, towards an idea of what fair is, let that person be honored for it, to the nth degree.

For without the people who take a stand for what they believe, there is only mathematics, and in that the equation of humankind becomes nil.

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